March 25, 2016

How to Compute Gain or Loss from BDO EIP Investment

You might have a UITF (Unit Investment Trust Fund) through BDO EIP (Easy Investment Plan) or you're just planning to get one (that's why you already have an idea perhaps), but the computation of gain/loss from this investment is still foreign to you.  Well, hope this post will shed some light.

First, investment status can be checked through online banking as shown below (just click the photo for a larger view).

March 23, 2016

Attending Stock Broker's Free Seminar

I had been reading a lot about stocks, stock market, equities trading and investing, still there was a feeling of ambivalence.  I mean, I didn’t know how to start, the application of what I’ve learned.  I know that I should have a model, a plan; but having too much noise, knowing a lot generates disorganized thoughts and hesitations.  That is why I decided to attend free seminar on Introduction to Fundamental and Technical Analysis, offered by one of the online stock brokers in the country. 

March 20, 2016

Part Time Trading on a Shoestring Survival Tools

Trading part time is not an easy thing to do, but with some of the tested ways anyone could nail it without hurting his or her present post.  There are some who leave their job to trade full time.  Though trading full time has benefits, the decision to quit job and trade full time requires a thorough thinking, planning and analysis.  They should be mentally prepared and financially capable as well.  For a trader and breadwinner like me, work is still my sanctuary.  A regular and guaranteed monthly income is crucial especially for settlement of my mortgages, utility bills, and school or tuition fees.  Since stock trading has inherent risks, doing it part time is a prudent thing IMHO.  Here are few must survival kits to do part time trading for a trader who is on a budget like me:

March 5, 2016

Consider Online Trading Charges When Buying Stocks on a Shoestring

When you buy stocks, the cost includes not only the position (bid price) you agreed to pay but also the accompanying charges.  For instance in online stock trading, an online stockbroker debited you commission (plus Value Added Tax) and SCCP charge on top of the value of stock you purchased.  The sum of it is the cost you see in your portfolio on your stockbroker’s online platform which is compared to market value to show the ratio/percentage of profit/loss.