January 3, 2016

2016 New Year's Resolution

During the first Monday of the month of January, the teacher in a class usually asks students to write an essay with a title "My New Year's Resolution" in one whole sheet of paper.  And now me as a no longer student, writing such is hidden somewhere in my journal.  This is actually something I'm not proud of doing since I'm always failing.  But, I never stop.  Starting the year with a goal is better than having none I think.  I won't write all my goals here, instead I will only share one related to financial and that is financial success.  Below is the list of things I need to do in order to achieve it:

  1. Pay all debts particularly credit card bills
  2. Apply the famous equation "Income less Savings = Expenses" 
  3. Half of the savings will go to Savings Account or SDA (Special Deposit Account) and the other half to investments, e.g., UITF, mutual funds, and stock trading accounts
  4. Do budgeting
  5. Try to be frugal at all times, e.g., stick with my home made brewed coffee instead of Starbucks :(
  6. Study hard, read better books, seek knowledge and share.
  7. Look for a part time job or business
  8. Look for another employer hahaha (last resort)
#2016goals #NewYearsResolution2016

Hope I won't fail this time.  Btw, it is good to write your goals and plans, either in your journal or mobile phone in case of "ningas kugon" attitude or mentality strikes.  Try to read it again whenever you feel that the urge or determination to achieve your goals is starting to subside.

Let me end this post with a quote:

"Those who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try nothing and succeed." -- Lloyd Jones
#NotetoSelf #quote #QOTD #QuoteoftheDay

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