January 3, 2016

Welcome Notes

The exciting part of blogging is telling something about yourself, what's in your heart without expectations.  I mean, not getting frustrated if no one likes my posts as long as I'm able to share or help others in some way.  This is quite different with FB posts wherein you're sharing something to the crowd, and half or majority are not interested.  Here, quite a few might be interested or just curious that's why you're reading this right now.  Anyway, thanks for time spent visiting my site :).


At present, I'm employed in a financial industry, headquartered in Makati CBD. I'm really interested in finance though I graduated with a degree in accountancy.  What else? I love reading but when it comes to writing, I'm not that confident.  Of course, I'm exposed to numbers more than writing essays during undergrad (har har).


My financial story?  Well, I work, then save, and spend.  It's a cycle perhaps, because in this cycle there is a minimum to great balance in my account.  I had ups and downs.  Life is a battle.  It doesn't matter if you and I started just now as long as you and I are determined, we will achieve the so called financial success!


Let me end this post with a quote:

"Champions aren't made in gyms.  Champions are made from something they have deep inside them--a desire, a dream, a vision.  They have to have the skill, and the will.  But the will must be stronger than the skill." -- Muhammad Ali
#NotetoSelf #quote #QOTD #QuoteoftheDay

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